Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

This verse always makes me so sad because God warned His people that their destruction would come because they refused to know Him and His ways. There was no excuse for not knowing the LORD and His law. He warned them that because they rejected Him, He would reject them and their children. 

I fear the destruction of this generation. We have seen the worst of atrocities in this nation over the last fifty years. We have seen the rise of abortion, the rise of the divorce rate, the rise of homosexuality, pedophilia, domestic abuse, violence, murder, destruction of cities, false teaching, cults, and the strong delusion that has come over a people....all because they chose to believe a lie rather than the truth. I fear the possibility that these things will get much worse before the LORD comes to rapture His people. I fear that if that happens, it will affect my children and grandchildren. 

My grandmother used to say "It's praying time!" If never before in my life, now is praying time. We must repent of our failure to share the Gospel at every turn, we must spend more time in His Word, draw closer to Him and trust Him. We don't want it to be true of us that we have been destroyed because of a lack of knowledge of the King.