• https://thenationaldesk.com/news/americas-news-now/biden-mistakenly-claims-hes-the-first-black-woman-to-serve-with-a-black-president-president-white-house-gaffe-new-york-times-barack-obama-kamala-harris-fouth-of-july-philadelphia-mental-fitness-debate-trump-november-election
    Biden mistakenly claims he's 'the first Black woman to serve with a Black president'
    The appearance was part of a White House effort to create more candid speaking opportunities for Biden to fight growing skepticism over his mental acuity.
    1 Commentarios 1 Acciones 113 Views
  • Galatians 4:22-23
    For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
    But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
    Galatians 4:22-23 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 110 Views
  • The word "Christian" has been used to much. Many have their eyes and ears closed to what is going on, because they believe in what their "pastors" tell them, INSTEAD of reading the Bible. I suppose they also "forget" that Jesus flipped the tables, meaning he was angry. I never worry about "Offending" someone, if they can't take the truth, that is their choice. It also says in the Bible, what will happen to the people that harm children. That it would be best to have a millstone hung around their necks and drowned. Thank you, Jack, for all you are doing here,
    Face to Face with Evil
    The Pride Month Postmortem
    The word "Christian" has been used to much. Many have their eyes and ears closed to what is going on, because they believe in what their "pastors" tell them, INSTEAD of reading the Bible. I suppose they also "forget" that Jesus flipped the tables, meaning he was angry. I never worry about "Offending" someone, if they can't take the truth, that is their choice. It also says in the Bible, what will happen to the people that harm children. That it would be best to have a millstone hung around their necks and drowned. Thank you, Jack, for all you are doing here, Face to Face with Evil The Pride Month Postmortem https://jackwilkie.co/p/face-to-face-with-evil
    Face to Face with Evil
    The Pride Month Postmortem
    1 Commentarios 1 Acciones 210 Views
  • “There may be too much religious fervor and excitement in some religious gatherings, but surely not in many; and most churches need to pray earnestly for a new moving and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in order that the hearts of the worshippers may know something of the passion, the joy, the rapture, the exultation, the triumphant hope, which was the common experience of the early Christians even in Corinth.”
    Charles Erdman-pg 131- First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.
    “There may be too much religious fervor and excitement in some religious gatherings, but surely not in many; and most churches need to pray earnestly for a new moving and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in order that the hearts of the worshippers may know something of the passion, the joy, the rapture, the exultation, the triumphant hope, which was the common experience of the early Christians even in Corinth.” Charles Erdman-pg 131- First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 80 Views
  • I miss @misslemanmike
    I miss @misslemanmike
    3 Commentarios 0 Acciones 115 Views
  • #Bible Facts
    The word #Demon is found NO WHERE in the #KingJamesBible !!
    The word #Reverend is found ONE PLACE in the #kjv
    #Psalms 111:9 He sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: Holy and Reverend is His name.
    #Bible Facts The word #Demon is found NO WHERE in the #KingJamesBible !! The word #Reverend is found ONE PLACE in the #kjv #Psalms 111:9 He sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: Holy and Reverend is His name.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 105 Views
  • #TimBrown Editor #sonsoflibertymedia - A Drive-By History Of America's #Freedom Documents: #Virginia #BillOfRights - Is on NOW on my Internet #Radio Station Website, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio, go to the Left Side of the Side under the On Demand Shows, Scroll Down to Tim's Photo & a New Brower will open! https://www.radioamericausa.com
    #TimBrown Editor #sonsoflibertymedia - A Drive-By History Of America's #Freedom Documents: #Virginia #BillOfRights - Is on NOW on my Internet #Radio Station Website, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio, go to the Left Side of the Side under the On Demand Shows, Scroll Down to Tim's Photo & a New Brower will open! https://www.radioamericausa.com
    Internet Radio Station WRAM-DB @ Radio America USA
    Radio America USA, radioamericausa.com, Talk Show Host, Entertainment, alternative talk radio, Low Carb, Low Carbohydrate, Zero Carb, Zero Carbohydrate, Atkins Diet, Sugar Free, Stevia, Organic, Organic Food, Non GMO, Politics, Talk Radio, Lunatic Fringe, Radio, Independent Radio, Non Liberal Radio, Non Conservative Radio, Third Party Radio, Internet Radio, Internet Radio Station, Health Freedom, old time radio conspiracy, conspiracies, talk show, personality, broadcaster, broadcasting, on the Radio, talking politics, political talk, night time radio, late night talk shows, Independent Politics, Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, lehigh valley, allentown, pennsylvania, united states, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 132 Views
  • https://www.oann.com/video/oan-contribution/experts-say-biden-debate-performance-opens-door-to-national-security-risks/
    Experts Say Biden Debate Performance Opens Door To National Security Risks
    The fallout continues following President Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week with many experts saying his mental frailty is a national security risk.
    Face Palm
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 44 Views
  • News Flash; California delegate says Black women will 'blow the party up' if Dems pick a 'White man over Kamala Harris'

    No loss on this, win win for us. They do nothing Trump wins, they pick Kamala (giggles) Trump Wins, they blow up the Democrat party it dies Trump wins, the Democrat party implodes and goes away Trump wins and everyone wins.
    News Flash; California delegate says Black women will 'blow the party up' if Dems pick a 'White man over Kamala Harris' No loss on this, win win for us. They do nothing Trump wins, they pick Kamala (giggles) Trump Wins, they blow up the Democrat party it dies Trump wins, the Democrat party implodes and goes away Trump wins and everyone wins.
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 153 Views
  • https://local12.com/news/nation-world/dog-cat-food-recall-recalls-recalled-consumer-listeria-monocytogenes-cincinnati-human-illness-illnesses-possible-contamination-company-issues-voluntary-bloodstream-nervous-system-bowls-utensils-countertops-miscarriage-depression-shock-dangerous-products#
    2 Commentarios 2 Acciones 219 Views
    BREAKING: Supreme Court FREES HUNDREDS of January 6th Political Prisoners | Nukes TRUMP Charges
    I HOPE MANY GET LAWSUITS GOING 🚨 BREAKING: Supreme Court FREES HUNDREDS of January 6th Political Prisoners | Nukes TRUMP Charges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIvU5SZ0EhA
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 117 Views
  • #America, how many of your choices for #POTUS #Congress and others pledge and actually do this, Get the #UnitedNaions OUT of the USA and Vice Versa!?
    #UN Declares War on #FREESPEECH to Censor the TRUTH, Subvert Accountability, Control Populations https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/un-declares-war-on-free-speech-to-censor-the-truth-subvert-accountability-control-populations/
    #America, how many of your choices for #POTUS #Congress and others pledge and actually do this, Get the #UnitedNaions OUT of the USA and Vice Versa!? #UN Declares War on #FREESPEECH to Censor the TRUTH, Subvert Accountability, Control Populations https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/un-declares-war-on-free-speech-to-censor-the-truth-subvert-accountability-control-populations/
    UN Declares War on FREE SPEECH to Censor the TRUTH, Subvert Accountability, Control Populations » Sons of Liberty Media
    We have witnessed the White House tell us to our collective faces that they conspired with Big Tech companies to censor free speech, which they call ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation’. Now, we are seeing that the United Nations is starting to push that agenda, as well. This should come as no surprise seeing that the UN …
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 236 Views

  • JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod on Anonup (AU)
    04 July, 12:46
    #WeThePeople HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF:
    #BarackObama #Hitler
    #michelleobama = #BigMike
    #billclinton #rockefeller
    #HillaryClinton #rockefeller

    JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod on Anonup (AU) 04 July, 12:46 #WeThePeople HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF: #UN #CDC #CIA #DOJ #FBI #FDA #IRS #WEF #WHo #Wars #FEMA #covid #fauci #NIAID #pedos #Antifa #tyrants #Tyranny #Ukraine #Injustice #Economy #Treason #Democide #genocide #BillGates #vaccines #Senomyx #celebrities #FiatMoney #pedowood #Corruption #Plandemics #GeorgeSoros #Rothschilds #Rockefellers #KlausSchwab #IllegalAliens #KamalaHarris #GeorgeWBush #GeorgehWBush #INFLATION #abuseofpower #FakeJoeBiden #FederalTyranny #StolenElections #newworldorder #DeepStateCabal #UnequalJustice #RIGGEDELECTIONS #UnsecuredBorder #vaccinemandates #BidenCrimeFamily #SizeOfGovernment #BarackObama #Hitler #michelleobama = #BigMike #billclinton #rockefeller #HillaryClinton #rockefeller #BenefitsForIllegalAliens #ElectionInterference #IllegalAlienInvasion #crimesagainstchildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity #1stAmendmentViolations #ProsecutorialMisconduct #2ndAmendmentViolations #HighCrimesAndMisdemeanors
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2184 Views
  • Thursday, July 4, 2024

    Have We Forgotten?

    The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. (Psalm 9:17 NLT)

    In the immediate aftermath of the unthinkable 9/11 attacks, we saw a dramatic return to faith on the part of many Americans. People were holding prayer meetings on street corners and gathering in neighborhoods to hold vigils. Members of Congress stood on the steps of the US Capitol building and spontaneously sang “God Bless America.”

    On the Sunday following 9/11, Americans packed their local churches. People were trying to make sense of it, and they were turning to God for answers. There also was great concern that terrorists would attack again. So we prayed.

    But things didn’t stay that way for very long. Interestingly, just ten years later during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero, not a single person offered a prayer. Not a single pastor or minister of any kind gave thanks to God for His protection and mercy since then. Have we forgotten that God came through for us?

    Yes, we want to thank God for our security and our experts who do their best to protect our nation. But we also have to acknowledge God’s mercy. At the same time, it raises a question: When will America wake up to its spiritual need?

    The answer is not a political one. We’re in a political cycle now, and there’s a lot of talk about who will occupy the White House for the next four years. As Christians, we should register, vote, and find political candidates who represent a biblical worldview as much as possible. But at the same time, we must understand that no congressman or congresswoman, no senator, and no president can turn our country around. Not a single person can.

    It is not a political answer that America needs. It is a spiritual one. And the only real answer is a spiritual awakening. A spiritual revival must sweep America.

    God initially gave the following words to the nation of Israel, but they apply to our nation as well: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT). We want God to heal our land.

    All too often we’re more focused on who is in the White House than what’s going on in God’s house. When God looked at a nation that was having problems, He pointed His finger at His people and said, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face . . .”

    So often as Christians, we’re quick to point out all the problems in our culture. But God is saying, “You know, I have been looking at you—you who are called by My name, you who are part of the body of Christ, you who are in the church. And the question is this: Are you experiencing spiritual revival?”

    If we as God’s people want to turn a nation around, then we need to live as we should.

    Copyright © 2024 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
    Thursday, July 4, 2024 Have We Forgotten? The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. (Psalm 9:17 NLT) In the immediate aftermath of the unthinkable 9/11 attacks, we saw a dramatic return to faith on the part of many Americans. People were holding prayer meetings on street corners and gathering in neighborhoods to hold vigils. Members of Congress stood on the steps of the US Capitol building and spontaneously sang “God Bless America.” On the Sunday following 9/11, Americans packed their local churches. People were trying to make sense of it, and they were turning to God for answers. There also was great concern that terrorists would attack again. So we prayed. But things didn’t stay that way for very long. Interestingly, just ten years later during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero, not a single person offered a prayer. Not a single pastor or minister of any kind gave thanks to God for His protection and mercy since then. Have we forgotten that God came through for us? Yes, we want to thank God for our security and our experts who do their best to protect our nation. But we also have to acknowledge God’s mercy. At the same time, it raises a question: When will America wake up to its spiritual need? The answer is not a political one. We’re in a political cycle now, and there’s a lot of talk about who will occupy the White House for the next four years. As Christians, we should register, vote, and find political candidates who represent a biblical worldview as much as possible. But at the same time, we must understand that no congressman or congresswoman, no senator, and no president can turn our country around. Not a single person can. It is not a political answer that America needs. It is a spiritual one. And the only real answer is a spiritual awakening. A spiritual revival must sweep America. God initially gave the following words to the nation of Israel, but they apply to our nation as well: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT). We want God to heal our land. All too often we’re more focused on who is in the White House than what’s going on in God’s house. When God looked at a nation that was having problems, He pointed His finger at His people and said, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face . . .” So often as Christians, we’re quick to point out all the problems in our culture. But God is saying, “You know, I have been looking at you—you who are called by My name, you who are part of the body of Christ, you who are in the church. And the question is this: Are you experiencing spiritual revival?” If we as God’s people want to turn a nation around, then we need to live as we should. Copyright © 2024 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 522 Views

  • Genesis
    Chapter 20

    1 And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar.

    2 And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah.

    3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife.

    4 But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation?

    5 Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this.

    6 And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her.

    7 Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine.
    Genesis Chapter 20 1 And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. 2 And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. 3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife. 4 But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? 5 Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. 6 And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. 7 Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 204 Views
  • I just watched a video of a 79 year old man getting baptized for the first time by his 55 year old son after they both struggled with and were delivered from addictions for more than 20 years each.
    I am in tears....
    #GodIsAble #GodDelivers #Freedom
    I just watched a video of a 79 year old man getting baptized for the first time by his 55 year old son after they both struggled with and were delivered from addictions for more than 20 years each. I am in tears....😭 #GodIsAble #GodDelivers #Freedom
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 95 Views
  • #RestoreTheMilitia #DemandCapitalPunishment Elderly Woman Killed After Being Thrown in Front of Train by Vagrant in #SanFrancisco #California - "Transient" with lengthy criminal history arrested for unprovoked attack on 74-year-old victim - https://www.infowars.com/posts/elderly-woman-killed-after-being-thrown-in-front-of-train-by-vagrant-in-san-francisco/
    #RestoreTheMilitia #DemandCapitalPunishment Elderly Woman Killed After Being Thrown in Front of Train by Vagrant in #SanFrancisco #California - "Transient" with lengthy criminal history arrested for unprovoked attack on 74-year-old victim - https://www.infowars.com/posts/elderly-woman-killed-after-being-thrown-in-front-of-train-by-vagrant-in-san-francisco/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 260 Views
  • These days, people talk way too much. Most of the time, they are not saying anything of value. I think many of them would do better if they would learn to listen more and talk less.
    These days, people talk way too much. Most of the time, they are not saying anything of value. I think many of them would do better if they would learn to listen more and talk less. #ThursdayThoughts
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 48 Views
  • If there is no stimulating desire to know Him and His Word, church membership is just like a young man falling in love with a furnished apartment and marrying an electric stove. Let's stop playing church today and start loving Christ and living for Him!
    ~J. Vernon McGee
    If there is no stimulating desire to know Him and His Word, church membership is just like a young man falling in love with a furnished apartment and marrying an electric stove. Let's stop playing church today and start loving Christ and living for Him! ~J. Vernon McGee
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 68 Views
  • In many churches Christianity has been watered down until the solution is so weak that if it were poison it would not hurt anyone, and if it were medicine it would not cure anyone!
    ~A.W. Tozer
    In many churches Christianity has been watered down until the solution is so weak that if it were poison it would not hurt anyone, and if it were medicine it would not cure anyone! ~A.W. Tozer
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 84 Views
  • The Chinese Government bought the Royal Bahamian Hilton. It needed a lot of renovation and so brought in 400 Chinese construction workers and construction company to completely rebuild the hotel. Now if you stay there, and you can, the Chinese easily gather ALL of your personal information as you present you credit card to pay for food, lodging and activities. The local citizens were furious with the government because through the 5 year renovation not one Bahamanisn local or citizen was hired. The government gave no response or reason for allowing this but everyone firmly states this a common practice of officials bribed and payed off. Next the government officials move money to the US, well its only 90 miles away, depositing it in LLC’s and real estate. The same government sold the Chinese government 200 acres of worthless island properly right next to one of the US strategic and important Naval Submarine Base on one of the other Islands. Payoffs again. Yes the Chinese are surrounding g us in the Caribbean. Also, the Chinese Government are paying for full lodging and all University education for many of the local High School graduates going on to college. I don’t recommend anyone stay at the Royal Bahamian Hilton, there is nothing Royal about a Chines government Hotel. Ya mon.
    The Chinese Government bought the Royal Bahamian Hilton. It needed a lot of renovation and so brought in 400 Chinese construction workers and construction company to completely rebuild the hotel. Now if you stay there, and you can, the Chinese easily gather ALL of your personal information as you present you credit card to pay for food, lodging and activities. The local citizens were furious with the government because through the 5 year renovation not one Bahamanisn local or citizen was hired. The government gave no response or reason for allowing this but everyone firmly states this a common practice of officials bribed and payed off. Next the government officials move money to the US, well its only 90 miles away, depositing it in LLC’s and real estate. The same government sold the Chinese government 200 acres of worthless island properly right next to one of the US strategic and important Naval Submarine Base on one of the other Islands. Payoffs again. Yes the Chinese are surrounding g us in the Caribbean. Also, the Chinese Government are paying for full lodging and all University education for many of the local High School graduates going on to college. I don’t recommend anyone stay at the Royal Bahamian Hilton, there is nothing Royal about a Chines government Hotel. Ya mon.
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 308 Views
  • https://local12.com/news/nation-world/biden-told-ally-he-may-be-forced-to-drop-out-of-presidential-race-nyt-reports-president-joe-biden-told-one-of-his-closest-allies-that-he-might-not-be-able-to-recover-from-his-subpar-debate-performance-according-to-the-new-york-times#
    Biden told ally he may have to drop out of presidential race, NYT reports
    The report comes as Biden continues dealing with the fallout of his debate performance.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 105 Views
  • #VladimirPutin to Send #Russian Children to #NorthKorean Summer Camps - #RocketMan - https://www.infowars.com/posts/putin-to-send-russian-children-to-north-korean-summer-camps/
    #VladimirPutin to Send #Russian Children to #NorthKorean Summer Camps - #RocketMan - https://www.infowars.com/posts/putin-to-send-russian-children-to-north-korean-summer-camps/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 367 Views
  • America, How Many of Those You Wish To Elect to #Congress willing to Impeach and Prosecute #SCOTUS ? (Elections have Consequences!)
    Lawless Supreme Court: It’s OK For Feds To Outsource Online #Censorship To Big Tech, Curtailing #FreeSpeech Of All Americans https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/lawless-supreme-court-its-ok-for-feds-to-outsource-online-censorship-to-big-tech-curtailing-free-speech-of-all-americans/
    America, How Many of Those You Wish To Elect to #Congress willing to Impeach and Prosecute #SCOTUS ? (Elections have Consequences!) Lawless Supreme Court: It’s OK For Feds To Outsource Online #Censorship To Big Tech, Curtailing #FreeSpeech Of All Americans https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/lawless-supreme-court-its-ok-for-feds-to-outsource-online-censorship-to-big-tech-curtailing-free-speech-of-all-americans/
    Lawless Supreme Court: It's OK For Feds To Outsource Online Censorship To Big Tech, Curtailing Free Speech Of All Americans » Sons of Liberty Media
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. -First Amendment to US Constitution in The Bill of Rights …
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 438 Views
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