• Victory!!

    Victory!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wisconsin-supreme-court-rules-unanimously-vacate-injunction-barring/
    Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Unanimously to Vacate Injunction Barring Pro-Lifer From Sharing Message Outside Planned Parenthood Facility | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin
    Beginning in 2014, pro-life advocate Brian Aish regularly shared his Christian and pro-life messages on a public sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood facility in Blair, Wisconsin.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 13 Views
  • #Video from my #BitChute Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!
    The Hidden History of the Evil #Khazarian Mafia - https://www.bitchute.com/video/WLII2F0eRcrZ
    The secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world is now revealed for first time. In this video the secret history of the Khazarian mafia is revealed from an article in veterans today. This article discusses the origins of the evil #Khazars, their migration into Europe as they establish their black magic #Babylonian system and the practice of usury. They take over the royal families and establish their system of global control through their evil worship of #Satan and horrific practices of ritual rape, killing and cannibalism. they establish control into the us as they create the central banking system and ultimately bring (Khazar) families to the us through project paperclip. from there they complete their takeover of the us through the political parties, blackmail, and assassination. they thought their global ambitions for a NOW – #NEWWORLDORDER were about to be realized until a fierce resistance group discovered their plans and over several decades began a secret takedown of this satanic cult.
    #Video from my #BitChute Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! The Hidden History of the Evil #Khazarian Mafia - https://www.bitchute.com/video/WLII2F0eRcrZ The secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world is now revealed for first time. In this video the secret history of the Khazarian mafia is revealed from an article in veterans today. This article discusses the origins of the evil #Khazars, their migration into Europe as they establish their black magic #Babylonian system and the practice of usury. They take over the royal families and establish their system of global control through their evil worship of #Satan and horrific practices of ritual rape, killing and cannibalism. they establish control into the us as they create the central banking system and ultimately bring (Khazar) families to the us through project paperclip. from there they complete their takeover of the us through the political parties, blackmail, and assassination. they thought their global ambitions for a NOW – #NEWWORLDORDER were about to be realized until a fierce resistance group discovered their plans and over several decades began a secret takedown of this satanic cult.
    BitChute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users' freedoms and privacy.
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 31 Views
  • https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/07/02/entourage-star-kevin-dillon-says-tesla-stopped-mid-car-wash-causing-fender-bender/
    'Entourage' Star Kevin Dillon Says Tesla Stopped Mid-Car Wash, Causing Fender Bender
    Actor Kevin Dillon's Tesla vehicle suddenly stopped in the middle of a car wash last week, resulting in a rear-end fender bender involving three other cars.
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 24 Views
  • https://www.foxnews.com/politics/solar-company-found-have-reaped-billions-from-biden-law-leads-outcry-appeasing-rich
    Solar company found to have ‘reaped billions’ from top Biden law leads to outcry: ‘Appeasing the rich’
    Critics of the green energy movement expressed outrage at a new report that a preeminent solar company caught a windfall from President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.
    1 Commenti 1 condivisioni 288 Views

  • Holistic Healer & Herb Shop | Sabrina........ regarding MS
    honeybunnyherbshop on May 15, 2024: "READ HERE (& testing/cleansing)
    Holistic Healer & Herb Shop | Sabrina........ regarding MS honeybunnyherbshop on May 15, 2024: "READ HERE (& testing/cleansing) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_aG14ux6h/?igsh=MWFqNHcyNTNmcmNheg%3D%3D
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 235 Views
  • It is God alone who can subdue and govern the unruly wills of sinful men.
    -George Whitefield
    It is God alone who can subdue and govern the unruly wills of sinful men. -George Whitefield
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 137 Views
  • I just want to praise God for blessing our move in every way....he answered my prayers concerning my mother and our move and has made this transition so smooth like only He can do. He lead me to a loving and Godly church and I have met wonderful new friends and rekindled old friendships. God is so good all the time! (Also so blessed to be back among conservatives!)
    I just want to praise God for blessing our move in every way....he answered my prayers concerning my mother and our move and has made this transition so smooth like only He can do. He lead me to a loving and Godly church and I have met wonderful new friends and rekindled old friendships. God is so good all the time! (Also so blessed to be back among conservatives!)
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 218 Views
  • https://nypost.com/2024/06/30/us-news/ex-rep-charlie-rangel-94-questions-whether-biden-belongs-in-nursing-home-not-white-house/
    Ex-Rep. Charlie Rangel, 94, questions whether Biden belongs in nursing home, not White House
    “One [candidate is] a convicted felon who has no respect for the truth, for morality. The other seemed so damned confused I didn’t even know whether he knew where the hell he was at in terms …
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 303 Views
    Tractor Supply gave $100,000 to an activist group that "worked around the clock" to stop deportations during the Trump presidency. The group is Conexion Americas'. Their founder also previously headed the National Council of La Raza which got $2+ Million from George Soros.
    How do you feel about them using money you spend there to fund this garbage? It would be good to let Hal Lawton CEO of Tractor Supply know.
    THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! Tractor Supply gave $100,000 to an activist group that "worked around the clock" to stop deportations during the Trump presidency. The group is Conexion Americas'. Their founder also previously headed the National Council of La Raza which got $2+ Million from George Soros. How do you feel about them using money you spend there to fund this garbage? It would be good to let Hal Lawton CEO of Tractor Supply know.
    1 Commenti 1 condivisioni 428 Views
  • From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!
    Why the #GOVERNMENT is HIDING These #Foods from You!
    Discover the surprising truth behind why certain nutrient-packed foods are becoming harder to find in your local supermarket. In this video, shown are the reasons behind the diminishing availability of foods like #rawhoney, canned sardines, heirloom seeds, organ meats, fermented vegetables, bone broth, and grass-fed butter. Learn about the health benefits of these hidden gems and find out how you can still access them. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of food industry secrets and government regulations! #honey #sardines #meats #vegetables #bonebroth #butter
    From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Why the #GOVERNMENT is HIDING These #Foods from You! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6gWc3I38E32k Discover the surprising truth behind why certain nutrient-packed foods are becoming harder to find in your local supermarket. In this video, shown are the reasons behind the diminishing availability of foods like #rawhoney, canned sardines, heirloom seeds, organ meats, fermented vegetables, bone broth, and grass-fed butter. Learn about the health benefits of these hidden gems and find out how you can still access them. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of food industry secrets and government regulations! #honey #sardines #meats #vegetables #bonebroth #butter
    Why the GOVERNMENT is HIDING These Foods from You!
    Why the GOVERNMENT is HIDING These Foods from You! Discover the surprising truth behind why certain nutrient-packed foods are becoming harder to find in your local supermarket. In this video, shown are the reasons behind the diminishing availability of foods like raw honey, canned sardines, heirloom seeds, organ meats, fermented vegetables, bone broth, and grass-fed butter. Learn about the health benefits of these hidden gems and find out how you can still access them. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of food industry secrets and government regulations! #honey #sardines #meats #vegetables #bonebroth #butter
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 767 Views
  • From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE!
    #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html
    FEMA Camps for American Dissidents
    The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica
    The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps.
    The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.
    Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns.
    “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.”
    “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed
    ~ ABC NEWS
    “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.”
    “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.”
    “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?”
    “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.”
    After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.
    In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51.
    “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.”
    During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them.
    “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.”
    “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.”
    Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE! #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html FEMA Camps for American Dissidents The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps. The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support. Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns. “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.” “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed ~ ABC NEWS “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.” “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.” “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?” “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.” ~ POLICE STATE II (THE TAKEOVER) After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state. In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51. “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.” ~ ENDGAME: BLUEPRINT FOR #GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them. “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.” “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.” ~ AUSTRALIAN NEWS Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1630 Views
  • Psalm 95:1-2
    Oh come, let us sing for joy to Yahweh,
    Let us make a loud shout to the rock of our salvation.
    Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
    Let us make a loud shout to Him with songs of praise.
    Psalm 95:1-2 Oh come, let us sing for joy to Yahweh, Let us make a loud shout to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us make a loud shout to Him with songs of praise.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 161 Views
  • Romans 12:2
    And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may approve what the will of God is, that which is good and pleasing and perfect.
    Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may approve what the will of God is, that which is good and pleasing and perfect. #SundaySentiments
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 256 Views
  • Burritos de carne y frijoles con verduras (Translation for sneakypantz Beef and bean Burritos with vegetables (Mexican style)... Since she told me she doesn't speak taco. I may have a few misspellings in there. I only speak Spanglish... 🤷
    Burritos de carne y frijoles con verduras (Translation for [sneakypantz] Beef and bean Burritos with vegetables (Mexican style)... Since she told me she doesn't speak taco. I may have a few misspellings in there. I only speak Spanglish... 🤷
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 342 Views
  • Cre8aplace friends, don't forget to check out my new Rumble channel:
    I hope it is a blessing to you!
    Cre8aplace friends, don't forget to check out my new Rumble channel: Rumble.com/user/abiblicalworldview1 I hope it is a blessing to you!
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 257 Views
  • Christians live by faith...We've never seen any of the graces that God says He dispenses to us, since they are not tangible or visible to the human eye. Yet we bank our lives and our eternal destiny on all those unseen realities.
    ~John MacArthur, "The Power of Faith"
    Christians live by faith...We've never seen any of the graces that God says He dispenses to us, since they are not tangible or visible to the human eye. Yet we bank our lives and our eternal destiny on all those unseen realities. ~John MacArthur, "The Power of Faith"
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 520 Views
  • It’s All About The Money: There Are Tens Of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In #Ukraine - U.S. Senator #LindseyGraham - “If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of”. “That $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to #Putin and #China”. https://endoftheamericandream.com/its-all-about-the-money-there-are-tens-of-trillions-of-reasons-why-both-sides-are-so-determined-to-win-in-ukraine/
    It’s All About The Money: There Are Tens Of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In #Ukraine - U.S. Senator #LindseyGraham - “If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of”. “That $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to #Putin and #China”. https://endoftheamericandream.com/its-all-about-the-money-there-are-tens-of-trillions-of-reasons-why-both-sides-are-so-determined-to-win-in-ukraine/
    It's All About The Money: There Are Tens Of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In Ukraine
    If you had the opportunity to grab natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars and you believed that you could get away with it, would you do it? A lot of people in western nations are not able to identify Ukraine on a blank map of the world, but the truth is ... Read more
    2 Commenti 0 condivisioni 587 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/not-satire-reporter-who-watched-debate-nursing-home/
    NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
    The liberal outlet Politico sent a reporter to watch the debate at a nursing home and the elderly residents slammed Biden’s poor performance.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 224 Views
  • Faithfulness in the small things will lead to blessing in the big things.
    ~Warren W. Wiersbe
    Faithfulness in the small things will lead to blessing in the big things. ~Warren W. Wiersbe
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 239 Views
  • #Oklahoma State Superintendent: The #Bible & #TenCommandments Are Foundational For Western Civilization & Will Be IN EVERY SINGLE CLASSROOM IN THE STATE (Video) https://thewashingtonstandard.com/oklahoma-state-superintendent-the-bible-ten-commandments-are-foundational-for-western-civilization-will-be-in-every-single-classroom-in-the-state-video/
    #Oklahoma State Superintendent: The #Bible & #TenCommandments Are Foundational For Western Civilization & Will Be IN EVERY SINGLE CLASSROOM IN THE STATE (Video) https://thewashingtonstandard.com/oklahoma-state-superintendent-the-bible-ten-commandments-are-foundational-for-western-civilization-will-be-in-every-single-classroom-in-the-state-video/
    Oklahoma State Superintendent: The Bible & Ten Commandments are Foundational for Western Civilization & will be IN EVERY SINGLE CLASSROOM IN THE STATE (Video) - The Washington Standard
    While I don’t believe for one second it is the responsibility of any of man’s government to educate children, that’s the parents’ responsibility (Deuteronomy 6:1-9), at least Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters says that at the heart of who we are in Western culture is the Bible and God’s moral ...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 389 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/u-s-rep-thomas-massie-announces-passing-wife/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 210 Views
  • I'd like to ask for prayer. Over 2 and a half years ago. My oldest son and I came for a "vacation" to Florida. On the way down he was T-boned in Georgia. His neck was broken and he has problems with his back. It's been 2 years since his surgery. All Dr. appointments have been over for over a couple of months. He is doing very well...Just waiting for the attorneys now....still. We both are in prayer for them to finish...we would both like to go back home...though my son probably will be a Florida snowbird. I have my camper in a place that is pretty much a BLUE zone...Extremely hard place to live...planning a trip back up to Illinois, the middle of next month. My prayer is, that all with the attorneys will be done, and I can take my camper and everything, my son and I have accumulated. I really don't want to come back here. Thank you...
    I'd like to ask for prayer. Over 2 and a half years ago. My oldest son and I came for a "vacation" to Florida. On the way down he was T-boned in Georgia. His neck was broken and he has problems with his back. It's been 2 years since his surgery. All Dr. appointments have been over for over a couple of months. He is doing very well...Just waiting for the attorneys now....still. We both are in prayer for them to finish...we would both like to go back home...though my son probably will be a Florida snowbird. I have my camper in a place that is pretty much a BLUE zone...Extremely hard place to live...planning a trip back up to Illinois, the middle of next month. My prayer is, that all with the attorneys will be done, and I can take my camper and everything, my son and I have accumulated. I really don't want to come back here. Thank you...
    10 Commenti 0 condivisioni 603 Views
  • More #Chinese Military-Aged Men are Crossing the Southern #Border Than Ever Before - #China #fjb - https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-06-27-more-chinese-military-aged-men-crossing-border.html
    More #Chinese Military-Aged Men are Crossing the Southern #Border Than Ever Before - #China #fjb - https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-06-27-more-chinese-military-aged-men-crossing-border.html
    Report finds more Chinese military-aged men are crossing the southern border than ever before – NaturalNews.com
    An alarming number of Chinese military-aged men have entered the United States illegally since President Joe Biden took office in 2021. In March alone, the number of Chinese migrants surged by 8,500 percent compared to March 2021. A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides resources for illegal immigrants to enter the […]
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 354 Views
  • From My #BitChute Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! #Nutrition #food
    Why the GOVERNMENT is HIDING These #Foods from You!
    Discover the surprising truth behind why certain nutrient-packed foods are becoming harder to find in your local supermarket. In this video, shown are the reasons behind the diminishing availability of foods like raw #honey, canned #sardines, heirloom seeds, organ #meats, fermented #vegetables, bone broth, and grass-fed #butter. Learn about the health benefits of these hidden gems and find out how you can still access them. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of food industry secrets and government regulations! https://rumble.com/v54al9h-why-the-government-is-hiding-these-foods-from-you.html
    From My #BitChute Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! #Nutrition #food Why the GOVERNMENT is HIDING These #Foods from You! Discover the surprising truth behind why certain nutrient-packed foods are becoming harder to find in your local supermarket. In this video, shown are the reasons behind the diminishing availability of foods like raw #honey, canned #sardines, heirloom seeds, organ #meats, fermented #vegetables, bone broth, and grass-fed #butter. Learn about the health benefits of these hidden gems and find out how you can still access them. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of food industry secrets and government regulations! https://rumble.com/v54al9h-why-the-government-is-hiding-these-foods-from-you.html
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 831 Views
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