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The Moving Creatures and the Fowl
Genesis 1:20-23 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath...
Por abiblicalworldview 2023-11-16 10:54:05 0 438
Pray and Give Thanks
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Pray without ceasing.In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of...
Por abiblicalworldview 2023-11-17 07:41:13 0 453
Lead Me To The Rock
Psalm 61:1-3 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.From the end of the earth will I cry unto...
Por abiblicalworldview 2023-11-25 13:04:38 0 469
The LORD God
Genesis 2:4-5 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created,...
Por abiblicalworldview 2023-11-24 07:18:22 0 461
The Second Day
Genesis 1:7-8 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the...
Por abiblicalworldview 2023-11-11 11:36:40 0 553