• REPORT: Joe Biden Set Up to Fail in Debate As Part of “Soft Coup” – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Makes “Secret” Move to Prepare for Possible Presidential Run https://tiny.iavian.net/2078k
    REPORT: Joe Biden Set Up to Fail in Debate As Part of “Soft Coup” – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Makes “Secret” Move to Prepare for Possible Presidential Run https://tiny.iavian.net/2078k
    Face Palm
    1 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 369 Views
  • From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE!
    #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html
    FEMA Camps for American Dissidents
    The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica
    The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps.
    The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.
    Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns.
    “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.”
    “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed
    ~ ABC NEWS
    “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.”
    “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.”
    “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?”
    “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.”
    After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.
    In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51.
    “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.”
    During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them.
    “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.”
    “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.”
    Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    From my #BitChute #Video Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE SHARE! #FEMA Camps for American Dissidents - #FEMACamps - https://rumble.com/v54nvqm-fema-camps-for-american-dissidents.html FEMA Camps for American Dissidents The USA has a long history of prison camps - Once You Watch & Study This You Will See Why I Daily Cry Out & Pray to God for HIs Divine Wrath & Judgment Once for All! #GodDamnAmerica The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing three-hundred-thousand civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps. The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents. In 1961 the US forced eight million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support. Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps. Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail. The 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison. And in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns. “The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.” “You say guns will be taken?” “No one will be able to be armed. We're going to take all weapons.” #DoNotDisarm #2a #2aShallNotBeInfringed ~ ABC NEWS “You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing maintaining concentration camps, as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace. So the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.” “As we in the research community say, this is a psyop. They are preparing people for what is coming. Not what is being presented today.” “So you're saying they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?” “That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.” ~ POLICE STATE II (THE TAKEOVER) After 9/11 came the Patriot Act. And American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state. In 2006, George Bush Jr. amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the President power to declare martial law. And in 2007, signed Directive 51. “For the smallest of reasons, included in the documents own text, any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger at the president's will total martial law.” ~ ENDGAME: BLUEPRINT FOR #GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT During #COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test. And if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them. “The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call. Like, to let the wellness people know, let the police know.” “In response to their 000 calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.” ~ AUSTRALIAN NEWS Prison camps are being built all over the world. And they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. #WakeUpAmerica while you can!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 885 Views
  • #Video from my #Rumble Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!
    #Democrats Officially Prepare #InternmentCamps For White American #Conservatives https://rumble.com/v54aft8-democrats-officially-prepare-internment-camps-for-white-american-conservati.html
    #Video from my #Rumble Channel - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! #Democrats Officially Prepare #InternmentCamps For White American #Conservatives https://rumble.com/v54aft8-democrats-officially-prepare-internment-camps-for-white-american-conservati.html
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 594 Views
  • https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3063385/biden-aides-pointing-fingers-prepared-needed-rest/
    Biden aides start pointing fingers: ‘Over-prepared when what he needed was rest’
    President Joe Biden's team is reportedly frustrated by the amount of time spent on preparing for what turned out to be a disastrous debate.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 188 Views
  • Rand Paul Exposes a Horrifying Fact About Biden's Justice Department
    This is beyond the pale
    Rand Paul Exposes a Horrifying Fact About Biden's Justice Department This is beyond the pale https://randpaulreview.substack.com/p/rand-paul-exposes-a-horrifying-fact?publication_id=1627785&post_id=145734467&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 200 Views
  • https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/supreme-court/3061129/supreme-court-strikes-down-biden-epas-good-neighbor-pollution-rule/
    Supreme Court strikes down Biden EPA’s ‘good neighbor’ pollution rule
    The Supreme Court blocked an EPA rule regulating air pollution that strays from one state to another.
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 158 Views
  • Please watch & share video!
    Nightmare Bombshell: #Democrats Officially Prepare Internment Camps For White American #Conservatives https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=667d8ebbb5a8119278a549b3
    Please watch & share video! Nightmare Bombshell: #Democrats Officially Prepare Internment Camps For White American #Conservatives https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=667d8ebbb5a8119278a549b3
    Nightmare Bombshell: Democrats Officially Prepare Internment Camps For White American Conservatives
    Nightmare Bombshell: Democrats Officially Prepare Internment Camps For White American Conservatives - Report By Chase Geiser
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 469 Views
  • https://www.theepochtimes.com/china/ccp-hires-western-military-aviators-to-prepare-for-war-with-taiwan-taiwanese-military-expert-5671156?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=gab
    CCP Hires Western Military Aviators to Prepare for War With Taiwan: Taiwanese Military Expert
    Pilots with real combat experience are rare in China, said another military expert.
    Face Palm
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 329 Views
    BREAKING: Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department (VIDEO)
    GREAT NEWS! BREAKING: Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-julian-assange-be-freed-after-reaching-plea/
    BREAKING: Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald
    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed after reaching a plea deal with the United States Justice Department.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 432 Views
  • One of the main purposes of Genesis is to reveal to us the origins and beginnings of the nation of Israel, and in the first 11 chapters, we are shown the different steps by which Israel became a separate and divinely chosen nation.
    ~A.W. Pink, "Gleanings in Genesis"
    One of the main purposes of Genesis is to reveal to us the origins and beginnings of the nation of Israel, and in the first 11 chapters, we are shown the different steps by which Israel became a separate and divinely chosen nation. ~A.W. Pink, "Gleanings in Genesis"
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 407 Views
  • https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3055851/trump-vows-historic-cut-education-department/
    Trump vows historic cut to Education Department in second term
    “We'll have the best education anywhere in the world,” Donald Trump said Saturday in Philadelphia, but "some states," such as California, "will not do well."
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 543 Views
  • https://babylonbee.com/news/sad-chicago-has-no-one-to-award-reparations-to-because-everyone-got-murdered?utm_source=The%20Babylon%20Bee%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email
    Sad: Chicago Mayor Has No One To Award Reparations To Because Everyone Got Murdered
    CHICAGO, IL — In a tragic turn of events, Mayor Brandon Johnson's planned Chicago Reparations Program had to be abandoned after it turned out that everyone in Chicago was already murdered and thus could not receive reparations.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 735 Views
  • From the mouth of a State Department employee: it is true that the Democrat government is letting in masses of foreign criminals to make the white population of our country a minority.

    From the mouth of a State Department employee: it is true that the Democrat government is letting in masses of foreign criminals to make the white population of our country a minority. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/conspiracy-no-more-explosive-undercover-footage-reveals-bidens/
    CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden's State Department Official Admitting 'Great Replacement Theory' is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
    A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.” They argued that the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries.” The footage, recorded by Project Veritas, exposes a chilling reality: the Biden regime is knowingly allowing criminals into the United States to change the country’s demographics.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1229 Views
  • Video with Article
    #HealthRanger #MikeAdams Joins #BradleeDean LIVE - Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws Down The Gauntlet: #Lawsuit Against #Google, #Facebook, #X / #Twitter, NewsGuard, #HomelandSecurity, Department Of Defense #DOD, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For #Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded #Censorship Collusion https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/health-ranger-mike-adams-joins-bradlee-dean-live/
    Video with Article #HealthRanger #MikeAdams Joins #BradleeDean LIVE - Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws Down The Gauntlet: #Lawsuit Against #Google, #Facebook, #X / #Twitter, NewsGuard, #HomelandSecurity, Department Of Defense #DOD, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For #Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded #Censorship Collusion https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/health-ranger-mike-adams-joins-bradlee-dean-live/
    “Health Ranger” Mike Adams Joins Bradlee Dean LIVE » Sons of Liberty Media
    “Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department Of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded Censorship Collusion” This week, the Health Ranger Mike Adams joined The Sons of Liberty Radio and Bradlee Dean to cover his lawsuit that he launched 2 weeks ago (Isaiah 26:9). Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws …
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3132 Views
    #BILLGATES DEMANDS: EAT FAKE MEAT! - #DOD Funding Research On Deadly #FakeMeat RATIONS! - https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6672c17ce68c5e763618efa8
    Fake meat "alternatives" cause a spike in #heart disease and early death including a 13% jump in people dying young! This news comes as Gates tells people that in order to stop #climatechange people must either stop #cows from giving off gas or they must eat lab grown or artificial deadly meats. Gates is invested heavily in these failed meat alternative companies. Despite the fake meat companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Meat failing miserably financially, this will not stop the agenda from going forward as the #DepartmentOfDefense is researching ways to force ration fake meat for soldiers which is how they trial ran cigarette addiction and processed cow milk for the population back in #WorldWar1 as part of an Edward Bernays propaganda experiment. It clearly worked. It should be obvious however that the rations aren't just being researched for soldiers. They're clearly being researched for us as well as the psychopathic globalists destroy the supply chain via climate hysteria, a scripted World War 3 event and of course through a new fake plandemic like #BirdFlu
    MUST WATCH & SHARE VIDEO! #BILLGATES DEMANDS: EAT FAKE MEAT! - #DOD Funding Research On Deadly #FakeMeat RATIONS! - https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6672c17ce68c5e763618efa8 Fake meat "alternatives" cause a spike in #heart disease and early death including a 13% jump in people dying young! This news comes as Gates tells people that in order to stop #climatechange people must either stop #cows from giving off gas or they must eat lab grown or artificial deadly meats. Gates is invested heavily in these failed meat alternative companies. Despite the fake meat companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Meat failing miserably financially, this will not stop the agenda from going forward as the #DepartmentOfDefense is researching ways to force ration fake meat for soldiers which is how they trial ran cigarette addiction and processed cow milk for the population back in #WorldWar1 as part of an Edward Bernays propaganda experiment. It clearly worked. It should be obvious however that the rations aren't just being researched for soldiers. They're clearly being researched for us as well as the psychopathic globalists destroy the supply chain via climate hysteria, a scripted World War 3 event and of course through a new fake plandemic like #BirdFlu
    BILL GATES DEMANDS: EAT FAKE MEAT! - DOD Funding Research On Deadly Fake Meat RATIONS!
    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to save 5%! GET ORGANIC COFFEE, MANUKA HONEY AND MUSHROOM TINCTURES HERE: https://madtravnutrition.com/ Use Code "Josh" and save 10%! Support the work of Jaymie Icke & Ickonic! HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/wam-legal-defense/ BUY GOLD HERE: https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/ GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Josh Sigurdson reports on the new study showing fake meat "alternatives" cause a spike in heart disease and early death including a 13% jump in people dying young! This news comes as Bill Gates tells people that in order to stop so-called "climate change," people must either stop cows from giving off gas or they must eat lab grown or artificial deadly meats. Of course Bill Gates is invested heavily in these failed meat alternative companies. Despite the fake meat companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Meat failing miserably financially, this will not stop the agenda from going forward as the Department Of Defense is researching ways to force ration fake meat for soldiers which is how they trial ran cigarette addiction and processed cow milk for the population back in World War 1 as part of an Edward Bernays propaganda experiment. It clearly worked. It should be obvious however that the rations aren't just being researched for soldiers. They're clearly being researched for us as well as the psychopathic globalists destroy the supply chain via climate hysteria, a scripted World War 3 event and of course through a new fake plandemic like "Bird Flu." Are you awake yet? Do you want to eat Israeli made 3D printed meat? Stay tuned for more from WAM! ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order! Support your local farms and stay healthy! HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ GET AN EXTENDED FREE TRIAL FOR ICKONIC WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE: https://www.ickonic.com/affiliate/josh10 LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW! https://www.r1kln3trk.com/3PC4ZXC/D2N14D/ STOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE: http://wamsurvival.com/ OUR GOGETFUNDING CAMPAIGN: https://gogetfunding.com/help-keep-wam-alive/ Find us on Vigilante TV HERE: https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1 See our EPICFUNDME HERE: https://epicfundme.com/251-world-alternative-media JOIN our Telegram Group HERE: https://t.me/worldalternativemedia JOIN US on Rumble Here: https://rumble.com/c/c-312314 FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media We will soon be doing subscriber only content! Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WorldAltMedia Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 2024
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3904 Views
  • From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe!

    Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation!

    In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."

    The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies!

    The Signs of the Times!

    Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel;

    #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation! In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies! The Signs of the Times! Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel; #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5921 Views
  • From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe!

    Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation!

    In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."

    The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies!

    The Signs of the Times!

    Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel;

    #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation! In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies! The Signs of the Times! Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel; #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 5833 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bidens-failure-us-taxpayers-spend-another-22m-repair/
    Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier - Report
    “We are reassessing the safety aspects of where we should be and what this means for us," one official said.
    Face Palm
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 638 Views
  • #Idaho #Farmers #Water Shut Off - Claim Your Sovereignty & RECALL THE GOVERNOR - #WakeUpAmerica - The Department of Water Resources is shutting off the water to 500,000 acres affecting 6,400 peoples' water rights. YOU MUST STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, let's RECALL Idaho Governor Brad Little NOW! https://rumble.com/v51zne6-idaho-farmers-water-shut-off-claim-your-sovereignty-and-recall-the-governor.html
    #Idaho #Farmers #Water Shut Off - Claim Your Sovereignty & RECALL THE GOVERNOR - #WakeUpAmerica - The Department of Water Resources is shutting off the water to 500,000 acres affecting 6,400 peoples' water rights. YOU MUST STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, let's RECALL Idaho Governor Brad Little NOW! https://rumble.com/v51zne6-idaho-farmers-water-shut-off-claim-your-sovereignty-and-recall-the-governor.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2115 Views
  • What we need as Christians is to be able to feed ourselves. How many there are who sit helpless and listless, with open mouths, hungry for spiritual things, and the minister has to try to feed them, while the Bible is a feast prepared, into which they never venture.
    ~DL Moody
    What we need as Christians is to be able to feed ourselves. How many there are who sit helpless and listless, with open mouths, hungry for spiritual things, and the minister has to try to feed them, while the Bible is a feast prepared, into which they never venture. ~DL Moody
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 962 Views
  • Matthew 19:5-6
    ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”
    Matthew 19:5-6 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 782 Views
    MEME DROP #101: What If Everything You Are Going Through
    Is Preparing You For What You’ve Asked For?
    INTERESTING MEMES...... MEME DROP #101: What If Everything You Are Going Through Is Preparing You For What You’ve Asked For? https://www.starfirecodes.com/p/meme-drop-101-what-if-everything?publication_id=411246&post_id=144352149&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 371 Views
  • Believers, pray for your pastor as he prepares to mount the sacred desk tomorrow morning to bring the life-saving Gospel to a dying world and encourage the body of Christ.
    Believers, pray for your pastor as he prepares to mount the sacred desk tomorrow morning to bring the life-saving Gospel to a dying world and encourage the body of Christ. #SaturdaySentiments
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 825 Views
  • #DennisKucinich: America Prepares for #Global War and Restarts the #Draft for 18-26 Year Olds - Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to #War? https://scheerpost.com/2024/06/14/dennis-kucinich-america-prepares-for-global-war-and-restarts-the-draft-for-18-26-year-olds/
    #DennisKucinich: America Prepares for #Global War and Restarts the #Draft for 18-26 Year Olds - Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to #War? https://scheerpost.com/2024/06/14/dennis-kucinich-america-prepares-for-global-war-and-restarts-the-draft-for-18-26-year-olds/
    Dennis Kucinich: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds
    Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to War?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 843 Views
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