• We are embroiled in the Politics of Extremism where there is NO middle.
    Only extremes on one side or the other.
    Neither Bastiat nor any of the subsequent Communist/Socialists ever proposed a meaningful solution to the problem and subsequently, ALL forms of those Governments Failed.

    While Capitalism in and of itself can be ruled by large monopolies and turn into a form of tyranny, Capitalism with some checks and balances seems to be the best form of Government so far.

    However, Government in ANY form is antithetical to Freedom and Liberty.
    That's why Franklin warned, "We have given you a Constitutional Republic. If you can keep it."
    And Jefferson also warned that "Government not bound tightly by the chains of restraint imposed by the US Constitution will eventually become tyrannical and therefore, every measure to limit Governmental Power MUST be exercised by an involved people."

    We dropped the ball and have no one to blame but ourselves.
    We became complacent and lost interest in policing Government to be sure the chains that bind them remain secure and tightly bound.

    And here we are.
    We are embroiled in the Politics of Extremism where there is NO middle. Only extremes on one side or the other. Neither Bastiat nor any of the subsequent Communist/Socialists ever proposed a meaningful solution to the problem and subsequently, ALL forms of those Governments Failed. While Capitalism in and of itself can be ruled by large monopolies and turn into a form of tyranny, Capitalism with some checks and balances seems to be the best form of Government so far. However, Government in ANY form is antithetical to Freedom and Liberty. That's why Franklin warned, "We have given you a Constitutional Republic. If you can keep it." And Jefferson also warned that "Government not bound tightly by the chains of restraint imposed by the US Constitution will eventually become tyrannical and therefore, every measure to limit Governmental Power MUST be exercised by an involved people." We dropped the ball and have no one to blame but ourselves. We became complacent and lost interest in policing Government to be sure the chains that bind them remain secure and tightly bound. And here we are.
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2344 Ansichten
  • https://americanjournaldaily.com/blue-city-socialist-tax/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=pjnewsletter
    1 Kommentare 1 Anteile 573 Ansichten
  • Jesus was not a socialist....socialism is actually theft.
    ~Virgil Walker
    Jesus was not a socialist....socialism is actually theft. ~Virgil Walker https://youtu.be/Vpo-2-wCIlU?si=E6-CJtEgiISfgXBA
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 958 Ansichten
  • The Elite In Control Of The Democratic Socialist Party Not To Mention Fake News Propaganda Bought And Paid For By The Same Deep State Garbage Wants You To Think Russia Is The Big Bad WolfIf Someone Believes This, It’s Way Past Time For You To Wake Up
    The Elite In Control Of The Democratic Socialist Party Not To Mention Fake News Propaganda Bought And Paid For By The Same Deep State Garbage Wants You To Think Russia Is The Big Bad Wolf👊If Someone Believes This, It’s Way Past Time For You To Wake Up https://truthsocial.com/@bounder2008/posts/111876989136091744
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  • General Flynn | “They’re Not Democrats Anymore, They Are Part Of The Socialist Party Of America”
    General Flynn | “They’re Not Democrats Anymore, They Are Part Of The Socialist Party Of America” https://rumble.com/v48zhil-general-flynn-theyre-not-democrats-anymore-they-are-part-of-the-socialist-p.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2
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  • Doug Casey on How the Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard of Living:Ecowarriors, the Greens, are cut from the same cloth as socialists, communists, and fascists. Their totem fruit is the watermelon, green on the outside and red on the inside.

    Doug Casey on How the Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard of Living:Ecowarriors, the Greens, are cut from the same cloth as socialists, communists, and fascists. Their totem fruit is the watermelon, green on the outside and red on the inside. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/01/17/doug-casey-on-how-the-climate-hysteria-is-lowering-your-standard-of-living/
    Doug Casey on How the Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard of Living
    Via International Man International Man: The carbon hysteria extends far beyond oil and gas companies. One overlooked area is household appliances. Politicians are implementing increasingly stringe…
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  • This is a strong argument for the return to the limited government envisioned by our founding fathers.

    "High taxation is a covert way to gradually phase out the system of private ownership. The end result of high taxation is the same as the state ownership and “egalitarianism” imposed by communist regimes, with the only difference being whether nationalization is effected before or after production.

    In the West, production is controlled privately, but the revenue is converted into state assets via taxes and redistribution schemes. This wealth-taking is achieved legally through democracy and legislation rather than through killing and violence.

    An important feature of the communist or socialist economics seen in Western countries is robust social welfare, which is used to gradually erode moral wisdom and freedom. While some government aid is reasonable — such as social security for victims of disasters or accidents — it is easy for welfare to become a convenient instrument of deception. Its positive aspects become the excuse for increasing taxes and government control. In this regard, generous welfare has already achieved the same destructive consequences for people, society, and moral values as do overtly communist economics, without a need for violent revolution..."

    Chapter Nine (Part I): The Communist Economic Trap
    This is a strong argument for the return to the limited government envisioned by our founding fathers. "High taxation is a covert way to gradually phase out the system of private ownership. The end result of high taxation is the same as the state ownership and “egalitarianism” imposed by communist regimes, with the only difference being whether nationalization is effected before or after production. In the West, production is controlled privately, but the revenue is converted into state assets via taxes and redistribution schemes. This wealth-taking is achieved legally through democracy and legislation rather than through killing and violence. An important feature of the communist or socialist economics seen in Western countries is robust social welfare, which is used to gradually erode moral wisdom and freedom. While some government aid is reasonable — such as social security for victims of disasters or accidents — it is easy for welfare to become a convenient instrument of deception. Its positive aspects become the excuse for increasing taxes and government control. In this regard, generous welfare has already achieved the same destructive consequences for people, society, and moral values as do overtly communist economics, without a need for violent revolution..." Chapter Nine (Part I): The Communist Economic Trap https://ept.ms/2Y3cFsa
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5509 Ansichten
  • AN IMPORTANT READ-FROM 2 YEARS AGO: Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism 'The State takes the place of God…the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship.' Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

    AN IMPORTANT READ-FROM 2 YEARS AGO: Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism 'The State takes the place of God…the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship.' Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self https://academyofideas.com/2021/12/is-government-the-new-god-the-religion-of-totalitarianism/
    Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism
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  • Globalist death cult’s ‘trans’-human digital agenda demands your submission, or else, the end goal of all socialist ideologies, has been a chronic death wish. Death of culture. Death of meaning. Death of beauty. Death of the family. Death of the human existence

    Globalist death cult’s ‘trans’-human digital agenda demands your submission, or else, the end goal of all socialist ideologies, has been a chronic death wish. Death of culture. Death of meaning. Death of beauty. Death of the family. Death of the human existence https://leohohmann.com/2023/11/15/globalist-death-cults-trans-human-digital-agenda-demands-your-submission-or-else/
    Globalist death cult’s ‘trans’-human digital agenda demands your submission, or else…
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  • Linda Arnett
    8 minutes ago
    1 Corinthians 1:8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Philippians 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
    Psalm 138:8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
    Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus
    Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
    Father, I love the song, "God is Gonna Finish just what he started. I've been listening to it, today, to remind me that you keep your promises, and you are working for our good and your glory, even if we can't see it, right now. Music can be used for good or evil. Your frequency brings us peace, comfort, and encouragement. However, satan's frequency can cause emotional turmoil for its unsuspecting victims. I pray that people are going to realize how important it is to feed our minds things that will uplift us and make us better people, rather than allowing the music of satan to bring people down. The rap music that many of our youth listen too has to be a big reason our youth are so mixed up, these days.
    JFK tried to warn us about the danger of secret societies, and they murdered him, to silence him. Our music and movie industries are so full of symbolism and evil practices that have nothing good to offer. Sadly, our youth are enamored by these people, who seem to have it all. They don't realize that it's all just an illusion. Happiness can't be bought. Money and fame are fleeting and doesn't last. These people have sold their souls for this notoriety, and will find it wasn't worth it, after it's too late. Evil is so rampant, and these evil people aren't even trying to hide it, any longer. You're the only one that can expose this evil and help people to see the danger it causes, and I pray that you'll help us to defeat their evil agenda.
    Father, I thank you for 45 and the other many Patriots who aren't willing to throw in the towel, in defeat. Give them the strength and the courage to continue this fight until the victory is won. Help people to realize that there's no way we can save America, on our own. Satan's stronghold is just too extensive. Far too many people don't have any idea just how bad things really are. Most Dems don't realize that the Democrat party is not the party of their parents and grandparents. It's been hijacked by Socialists and Communists working to keep us divided so they can defeat us. I'm thankful that 45 is willing to take on this daunting task of waking people up to see the critical situation that we're facing. He knows the danger he's facing, but he's willing to put his life on the line, in order to rescue America from this evil agenda, of our enemies. Please continue to thwart everything they're plotting against him. Help people to see who our real enemies are. Sadly, they're people who are very popular and have great influence over the majority of Americans and even people around the world. They're in our entertainment industry and even in our own government. It's sad to realize that people we look up to and even those we should be able to depend on, are part of the enemy who want to destroy America. The truth may be a hard pill to swallow, but until we face the truth, we have no hope to destroy this evil agenda. I believe you started this plan, to save America, and I'm confident that you will work to complete it, in your way and your time. Until then, please help us to keep planting the seeds, of truth, and be patient for the harvest, that will come in due time. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen. Shalom
    Linda Arnett 8 minutes ago · 1 Corinthians 1:8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Psalm 138:8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Father, I love the song, "God is Gonna Finish just what he started. I've been listening to it, today, to remind me that you keep your promises, and you are working for our good and your glory, even if we can't see it, right now. Music can be used for good or evil. Your frequency brings us peace, comfort, and encouragement. However, satan's frequency can cause emotional turmoil for its unsuspecting victims. I pray that people are going to realize how important it is to feed our minds things that will uplift us and make us better people, rather than allowing the music of satan to bring people down. The rap music that many of our youth listen too has to be a big reason our youth are so mixed up, these days. JFK tried to warn us about the danger of secret societies, and they murdered him, to silence him. Our music and movie industries are so full of symbolism and evil practices that have nothing good to offer. Sadly, our youth are enamored by these people, who seem to have it all. They don't realize that it's all just an illusion. Happiness can't be bought. Money and fame are fleeting and doesn't last. These people have sold their souls for this notoriety, and will find it wasn't worth it, after it's too late. Evil is so rampant, and these evil people aren't even trying to hide it, any longer. You're the only one that can expose this evil and help people to see the danger it causes, and I pray that you'll help us to defeat their evil agenda. Father, I thank you for 45 and the other many Patriots who aren't willing to throw in the towel, in defeat. Give them the strength and the courage to continue this fight until the victory is won. Help people to realize that there's no way we can save America, on our own. Satan's stronghold is just too extensive. Far too many people don't have any idea just how bad things really are. Most Dems don't realize that the Democrat party is not the party of their parents and grandparents. It's been hijacked by Socialists and Communists working to keep us divided so they can defeat us. I'm thankful that 45 is willing to take on this daunting task of waking people up to see the critical situation that we're facing. He knows the danger he's facing, but he's willing to put his life on the line, in order to rescue America from this evil agenda, of our enemies. Please continue to thwart everything they're plotting against him. Help people to see who our real enemies are. Sadly, they're people who are very popular and have great influence over the majority of Americans and even people around the world. They're in our entertainment industry and even in our own government. It's sad to realize that people we look up to and even those we should be able to depend on, are part of the enemy who want to destroy America. The truth may be a hard pill to swallow, but until we face the truth, we have no hope to destroy this evil agenda. I believe you started this plan, to save America, and I'm confident that you will work to complete it, in your way and your time. Until then, please help us to keep planting the seeds, of truth, and be patient for the harvest, that will come in due time. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen. Shalom
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 6852 Ansichten
  • NYC Democrat Socialists Of America Rally In Support Of Palestine And Hamas
    NYC Democrat Socialists Of America Rally In Support Of Palestine And Hamas https://www.oann.com/newsroom/nyc-democrat-socialists-of-america-rally-in-support-of-palestine-and-hamas/
    NYC Democrat Socialists Of America Rally In Support Of Palestine And Hamas
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  • https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2023/10/03/venezuelas-maduro-commands-every-socialist-must-have-tiktok-account/
    Venezuela’s Maduro: ‘Every Socialist’ Must Have a TikTok Account
    Venezuela's socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro ordered top officials to open accounts on the Chinese social media platform TikTok.
    2 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1292 Ansichten
  • https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/09/16/pay-their-fair-share-socialist-lawmakers-push-for-migrant-taxes-on-new-yorkers-during-immigration-crisis/
    Socialist Lawmakers Push for 'Migrant Taxes' on New Yorkers During Crisis
    Socialist state lawmakers in New York want tax increases to pay for migrants flooding New York City as residents struggle with the costs.
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1660 Ansichten