• #Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Use Of #Ballot Drop Boxes - This is what happens when you fail to bring #justice. You embolden the #tyrants and #criminals! - - https://thewashingtonstandard.com/wisconsin-supreme-court-reinstates-use-of-ballot-drop-boxes/
    #Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Use Of #Ballot Drop Boxes - This is what happens when you fail to bring #justice. You embolden the #tyrants and #criminals! - 😠😡- https://thewashingtonstandard.com/wisconsin-supreme-court-reinstates-use-of-ballot-drop-boxes/
    Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Use Of Ballot Drop Boxes - The Washington Standard
    This is what happens when you fail to bring justice. You embolden the tyrants and criminals! Such is the case in Wisconsin, in which the state’s Supreme Court has reinstated the use of ballot drop boxes, one of the main tools used in the 2020 elections to steal it for ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 28 Views

  • JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod on Anonup (AU)
    04 July, 12:46
    #WeThePeople HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF:
    #BarackObama #Hitler
    #michelleobama = #BigMike
    #billclinton #rockefeller
    #HillaryClinton #rockefeller

    JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod on Anonup (AU) 04 July, 12:46 #WeThePeople HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF: #UN #CDC #CIA #DOJ #FBI #FDA #IRS #WEF #WHo #Wars #FEMA #covid #fauci #NIAID #pedos #Antifa #tyrants #Tyranny #Ukraine #Injustice #Economy #Treason #Democide #genocide #BillGates #vaccines #Senomyx #celebrities #FiatMoney #pedowood #Corruption #Plandemics #GeorgeSoros #Rothschilds #Rockefellers #KlausSchwab #IllegalAliens #KamalaHarris #GeorgeWBush #GeorgehWBush #INFLATION #abuseofpower #FakeJoeBiden #FederalTyranny #StolenElections #newworldorder #DeepStateCabal #UnequalJustice #RIGGEDELECTIONS #UnsecuredBorder #vaccinemandates #BidenCrimeFamily #SizeOfGovernment #BarackObama #Hitler #michelleobama = #BigMike #billclinton #rockefeller #HillaryClinton #rockefeller #BenefitsForIllegalAliens #ElectionInterference #IllegalAlienInvasion #crimesagainstchildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity #1stAmendmentViolations #ProsecutorialMisconduct #2ndAmendmentViolations #HighCrimesAndMisdemeanors
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2863 Views
  • #Video - Defy Tyrants - STILL APPLIES TODAY! Take a stand for #Truth and resist #Evil. https://rumble.com/vf5uhb-defy-tyrants.html
    #Video - Defy Tyrants - STILL APPLIES TODAY! Take a stand for #Truth and resist #Evil. https://rumble.com/vf5uhb-defy-tyrants.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 643 Views
  • #Satan and his #Globalist and #Uniparty Tyrants are winning due to lack of support!
    1. My Internet Radio Station, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio, DUE TO LACK OF DONATIONS - this year I only received 104 dollars which is disgusting, unless I get donations immediately, I have NO choice this time, before July 4th to close it and surrender the Domains and Call Letters since I am a member of the National Association of Digital Broadcasters, YOUR CHOICE AMERICA, #FreeSpeech or Lose another Platform and eventually only listen to the Soros - Koch Brothers AM/FM Radio Stations, you can donate #PayPal or #GiveSendGo, this time, I close it, it is forever! The Devil wins then! I will also cut back on Social Media sites and postings! https://www.radioamericausa.com
    2. My personal website will stay, I will be there 24/7 and even after it is my time to go! https://www.jeffhertzog.net
    #Satan and his #Globalist and #Uniparty Tyrants are winning due to lack of support! ANNOUNCEMENT! 1. My Internet Radio Station, Radio America USA/Philly and Jersey Radio, DUE TO LACK OF DONATIONS - this year I only received 104 dollars which is disgusting, unless I get donations immediately, I have NO choice this time, before July 4th to close it and surrender the Domains and Call Letters since I am a member of the National Association of Digital Broadcasters, YOUR CHOICE AMERICA, #FreeSpeech or Lose another Platform and eventually only listen to the Soros - Koch Brothers AM/FM Radio Stations, you can donate #PayPal or #GiveSendGo, this time, I close it, it is forever! The Devil wins then! I will also cut back on Social Media sites and postings! https://www.radioamericausa.com 2. My personal website will stay, I will be there 24/7 and even after it is my time to go! https://www.jeffhertzog.net
    Internet Radio Station WRAM-DB @ Radio America USA
    Radio America USA, radioamericausa.com, Talk Show Host, Entertainment, alternative talk radio, Low Carb, Low Carbohydrate, Zero Carb, Zero Carbohydrate, Atkins Diet, Sugar Free, Stevia, Organic, Organic Food, Non GMO, Politics, Talk Radio, Lunatic Fringe, Radio, Independent Radio, Non Liberal Radio, Non Conservative Radio, Third Party Radio, Internet Radio, Internet Radio Station, Health Freedom, old time radio conspiracy, conspiracies, talk show, personality, broadcaster, broadcasting, on the Radio, talking politics, political talk, night time radio, late night talk shows, Independent Politics, Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, lehigh valley, allentown, pennsylvania, united states, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4352 Views
  • As Sinister Forces Drive America Into A Communo-Fascist Despotism, Bent On Depriving Americans Of Rights, Property And Most Importantly Our Lives, Those Tyrants Who Asked For Trouble Have Found it!

    - Biden Uses Trump 'Show Trial' To Hide Fact He Just Launched WW3

    As Sinister Forces Drive America Into A Communo-Fascist Despotism, Bent On Depriving Americans Of Rights, Property And Most Importantly Our Lives, Those Tyrants Who Asked For Trouble Have Found it! - Biden Uses Trump 'Show Trial' To Hide Fact He Just Launched WW3 https://www.allnewspipeline.com/2nd_Amendment_To_Shoot_At_Govt_When_Taken_Over_By_Tyrants.php
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1834 Views
  • “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by #Globalist #Tyrants pushing the false narrative of a #ClimateChange Crisis. - #NetZero #GlobalWarmingHoax #ClimateChangeHoax - https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=9966
    “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by #Globalist #Tyrants pushing the false narrative of a #ClimateChange Crisis. - #NetZero #GlobalWarmingHoax #ClimateChangeHoax - https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=9966
    Net Zero
    “Net Zero.” That’s the plan put forth by Globalist tyrants pushing the false narrative of a “Climate Change Crisis.” “Net Zero” is supposed to mean that by the year 2030, just six years from now, human beings will be putting “zero” so-called “greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. Because according to the Globalist narrative, if we don’t drastically act now, human beings will destroy the world with CO2. In 2015, the Paris Agreement was adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference. It took effect on November 4, 2016. Donald Trump took us out of the Paris Agreement when he took office; Biden signed us up again on his first day. This “Agreement” is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. So, assuming it would be possible for all the nations of the earth to get to “Net Zero’ in the next six years, what will the result be? US energy secretary Jennifer Granholm recently testified before the Senate Energy Committee and dodged repeated questions on this, but basically stated “not much.” Reputable scientists agree. First, it will be impossible to reach what they call “Net Zero,” and even if we did, it would have virtually NO EFFECT on the earth’s climate. Even the UN’s Cli ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2890 Views
  • #WakeUpAmerica
    NEVER FORGET!! Do NOT Let These #Covid Quacks & #Tyrants Rewrite History (Video) https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/never-forget-do-not-let-these-covid-quacks-tyrants-rewrite-history-video/
    #WakeUpAmerica NEVER FORGET!! Do NOT Let These #Covid Quacks & #Tyrants Rewrite History (Video) https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/never-forget-do-not-let-these-covid-quacks-tyrants-rewrite-history-video/
    Never Forget! Do NOT Let These Covid Quacks & Tyrants Rewrite History (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media
    One can NEVER forget what these criminals in Big Pharma, government, the Mockingbird media and the deathcare industry did to not only the American people but also to the people of the world. Here’s a few videos from the CONvid-1984 era that need to be mass distributed to the People and the People stirred up …
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1726 Views
  • With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our Country from these tyrants and villains once and for all.

    Like those PATRIOTS before us, we will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never, ever back down.

    With your support, we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen, and we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th, 2024!

    The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer!

    With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our Country from these tyrants and villains once and for all. Like those PATRIOTS before us, we will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never, ever back down. With your support, we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen, and we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th, 2024! The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer! https://www.DonaldJTrump.com
    Donald J. Trump For President 2024
    Certified Website of Donald J. Trump For President 2024. America's comeback starts right now. Join our movement to Make America Great Again!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3364 Views
  • NWO Globalists Claim 2024 'Might' Be 'America's Last Election' & They Love To Tell Us What They're Planning Ahead Of Time - Any US Dictatorship Must Be Stopped By All Means Necessary
    - Tyrants Should Never Be SO Stupid They'd Bring Tyranny To People Owning 500 Million+ Guns

    NWO Globalists Claim 2024 'Might' Be 'America's Last Election' & They Love To Tell Us What They're Planning Ahead Of Time - Any US Dictatorship Must Be Stopped By All Means Necessary - Tyrants Should Never Be SO Stupid They'd Bring Tyranny To People Owning 500 Million+ Guns https://allnewspipeline.com/NWO_Globalists_Claim_2024_Might_Be_Americas_Last_Election.php
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3132 Views
  • What's Happening In California Is A Dire Warning For The Rest Of America: The Government Never Gets Tired Of Warring Against Americans And Telling Us It’s For Our Own Good
    - America’s tyrants use the same two-pronged approach that all totalitarian regimes do

    What's Happening In California Is A Dire Warning For The Rest Of America: The Government Never Gets Tired Of Warring Against Americans And Telling Us It’s For Our Own Good - America’s tyrants use the same two-pronged approach that all totalitarian regimes do https://allnewspipeline.com/Government_Never_Gets_Tired_Of_Slapping_Americans_Around.php
    0 Comments 3 Shares 2864 Views
  • The Brainwashing Has Worked With Nations In Turmoil, Rampant Crime, And Lies and deception Everywhere We Turn - 'Evil Tyrants' Of Today Are No Different Than the 'Godless Leaders' Of Days Gone By


    The Brainwashing Has Worked With Nations In Turmoil, Rampant Crime, And Lies and deception Everywhere We Turn - 'Evil Tyrants' Of Today Are No Different Than the 'Godless Leaders' Of Days Gone By LUCIFER CONDUCTS HIS TIMELESS PLAN FOR HUMAN EXTINCTION! https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Evil_Tyrants_Of_Today_Are_No_Different_Than_Godless_Leaders_Of_Days_Gone_By.php
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2832 Views
  • America's founding fathers fought fiercely for liberty. They had only disdain for oppression by tyrants. How has America fallen so far that the people, instead of fighting for liberty, now explicitly ask to live under the despotism our founding fathers forsook?

    America's founding fathers fought fiercely for liberty. They had only disdain for oppression by tyrants. How has America fallen so far that the people, instead of fighting for liberty, now explicitly ask to live under the despotism our founding fathers forsook? https://curetsky.substack.com/p/give-me-liberty-orno-give-me-security
    Give me liberty or…no, give me security
    And to alleviate my fear, you can’t have liberty either
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1820 Views
  • https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/08/30/we-will-not-comply-trump-warns-covid-tyrants-are-eyeing-lockdowns-to-interfere-with-2024-election/
    Trump: ‘COVID Tyrants’ Eyeing Lockdowns to Interfere with 2024 Election
    Trump promised to cut federal funding to any school, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or vaccine mandate.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3275 Views
  • Job 3:17-19
    There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest.
    There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor.
    The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.

    These words should bring comfort to the soul of the believer. We are headed to a place where there will be no more wicked rulers, no more tyrants, no more slave masters, no more oppressors, no more attacks, no more injustice, no more crime or broken laws or misery or sadness or sickness or pain or harm or DEATH. We will rest in the presence of the One Who has saved us from all of that! We will enjoy the perfection that He has prepared for us. We will worship Him hour after hour after hour, in the fullness of joy (1 Peter 1:8, 4:13).

    As I mature, I look more and more forward to heaven. I love things about this earth, such as family, friends and church...but my desire to be in the presence of the LORD grows each day. My daughter shared with me that she used to pray that the LORD would wait to come after this happened or that happened, but she says now she prays "Come LORD Jesus...and soon!!!" (I think she may be maturing also! Lol!)

    Believer, take comfort in the fact that this is only temporary. The misery that we endure here on this earth is only for a while. One day we will be in the presence of our Savior...which is far better (Philippians 1:23).
    Job 3:17-19 There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master. These words should bring comfort to the soul of the believer. We are headed to a place where there will be no more wicked rulers, no more tyrants, no more slave masters, no more oppressors, no more attacks, no more injustice, no more crime or broken laws or misery or sadness or sickness or pain or harm or DEATH. We will rest in the presence of the One Who has saved us from all of that! We will enjoy the perfection that He has prepared for us. We will worship Him hour after hour after hour, in the fullness of joy (1 Peter 1:8, 4:13). As I mature, I look more and more forward to heaven. I love things about this earth, such as family, friends and church...but my desire to be in the presence of the LORD grows each day. My daughter shared with me that she used to pray that the LORD would wait to come after this happened or that happened, but she says now she prays "Come LORD Jesus...and soon!!!" (I think she may be maturing also! Lol!) Believer, take comfort in the fact that this is only temporary. The misery that we endure here on this earth is only for a while. One day we will be in the presence of our Savior...which is far better (Philippians 1:23).
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3893 Views