Dedicated to the Veterans...Happy Veterans Day!
    The life of a service person is not an easy one.  Many times they serve in several different duty locations.  Sometimes they are able to take family along, and sometimes they cannot. There are times when they have to be separated from family on special occasions, such as holidays, birthdays, and memorable events.  It is not easy to just put those things in the back of their minds and "move on".   Service personnel, especially those who have served during the time of war,...
    By abiblicalworldview 2023-11-11 11:05:50 0 505
    My Bible vs My Phone
    📖 -📱 Bible vs Mobile I wish I had held my Bible as dearly as my phone, The poor li'l thing doesn't even have a ring tone! She lies there waiting for me glance her way, And never runs out of battery even at end of day. 📖 She offers me wisdom even without an app, serves beautiful content, not the forwarded crap! Her settings are easy and simple to read, Hers is Good News, unlike the world's news feed. 📖 She offers the best selfie you can ever take, A reflection of your soul, you really can't...
    By abiblicalworldview 2023-09-29 20:16:02 0 655
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The Second Day
Genesis 1:7-8 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the...
By abiblicalworldview 2023-11-11 11:36:40 0 553
James 1:13-15 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be...
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Thanking God For You
Romans 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being...
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Is There Anything Worth Your Soul?
Mark 8:36-37 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own...
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Devotion for October 6, 2023
James 1:19-20 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow...
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